Caring together.
For a promising start.

The 1000 days journey
Every child deserves the best possible start in life. Health before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as fragile conditions, are crucial factors that can influence the rest of a child’s life. A child’s first 1,000 days thus form the basis for a promising start. To best support (expectant) parents in every phase or situation, we have developed an innovative digital portfolio of apps together with healthcare professionals. These apps offer step-by-step information and guidance in each phase, where the content can be managed by, for example, a healthcare provider. This ensures that content and data points align well with local practices and needs. Discover how our digital portfolio can contribute to a promising future for the youngest residents.

The first step to parenthood.
It often begins with an expressed desire to have a baby together. If couples have this desire together, it is important to prepare for a possible pregnancy. The Childwish App helps couples to (actively) prepare for a possible pregnancy with lifestyle advice, among other things. The app provides insight, medical information, lifestyle advice and support.
The app offers practical information on healthy eating, exercise and mental health, both before and during pregnancy. It also encourages you to consider whether children fit within your current and future financial situation. This way you can make informed choices that will contribute to a healthy and stable future for your family. The Childwish App provides you with clear medical information about fertility and the path to getting and staying pregnant. In addition, you can easily track your cycle and gain insight into your most fertile days, so you know exactly when you are most likely to conceive.

Step by step through your pregnancy.
The ChildWish App helps couples prepare for a possible pregnancy, including lifestyle advice. Through the app, pregnant women receive expert and personalized information appropriate to the time of pregnancy and childbirth according to a pre-arranged care pathway. In addition to the physiology care path, 6 other care pathways can be established. The care pathways and comprehensive library can be prepared by healthcare providers in the region.
Pregnant women can additionally easily track blood pressure, weight and mood themselves, view them in graphs, and share them. Photos and your own notes can also be added. All data and memories during the pregnancy can be saves as a personal diary. How the pregnant woman would like to give birth can be filled in the birth plan. This birth plan can be shared.

Remote birth care
In pregnancy, it is important for the pregnant woman to get the right information at the right time. Based on our “ZwApp,” the widely used pregnancy app in the Netherlands, Clinicards was used to develop a Pro version. In this version, the regnant woman is “assigned” to a specific care pathway (for example, hypertension) and the data entered (possibly using a device) or questionnaires can be remotely monitored by obstetricians and gynecologists and coached for appropriate treatment.

For good development of the child.
The first year your baby changes a lot. The AfterCare app that has been developed helps you with a lot of information about yourself and your baby’s development (e.g. weight, length, skull circumference ). You can also use a questionnaire to keep track of what your baby can or cannot do already.
The care pathsways were created by healthcare professionals at Maasstad and Ikazia hospitals in Rotterdam. Other healthcare institutions can further customize the content as desired.

Empowering parents. Reducing stress.
NeoCare is a digital platform based on Clinicards that provides parents of newborns in the neonatology unit with expert and practical information from their own hospital, and further engages them in their child’s care and development. It supports the ideas of Family Integrated Care where bonding with the child, shared decison making and responsibility are paramount. In addition to very comprehensive expert information, it provides a convenient diary function for parents to track their child’s development themselves. Optionally, this data (e.g., nutrition, weight, breastfeeding, kangaroo care) can be shared with the caregiver through a portal. Parents can receive pictures and messages from the department at the time they cannot be in the hospital for a while. Dates and messages with photos can be shared with family and friends as desired. Dates and messages with photos can be shared with family and friends as desired.
Care4Neo (formerly Association of Parents of Incubating Children) was involved in the initial development and is very pleased with the app.
For even more info go to

Strengthen yourself.
Strengthen each other.
The Loss app is specially designed for parents who have lost their baby during pregnancy, around birth, or shortly thereafter. The grief is immense. To support parents in this, the Loss app was developed.
In the app you will find lots of information in the form of articles and videos, as well as poems, exercises, links to interesting websites. All together, this forms a great source of knowledge and inspiration. The medical content was created by caregivers in Rotterdam. All other information has been compiled with care and is managed by Steunpunt Nova.

There is a lot to deal with when your child is born premature or admitted. In order to better support parents, the ZorgPunt app was launched that allows new parents to stay informed 24 hours a day about their child’s developments in intensive care. The purpose of the app is clear: day and night access to all information in one place from the various departments of neonatology, pediatric intensive care, as well as Emma Garden, Emma Sport, Emma Day and Emma Acute. Another important part of the app is the diary. In this section, the parent himself keeps track of the child’s development, for example by entering the weight and how much the child has been drinking. Finally, parents receive messages and photos of their child in the app when they cannot be on the ward for a while.

Especially for Máxima Medical Center, we have developed the OuderKind app. The OuderKind app is intended to support parents and help them organize the care for their baby(‘s) in the hospital as well as possible. So that together they go back home with the right knowledge and experience. The app contains an extensive library of information and education. This is tailored to parents with a baby born at different gestational ages. Parents can track a variety of actions such as weight, pouch sessions, pumping, (breast) feeding, milestones, as well as add memories and photos, and track their own moods and feelings via questionnaires. The OuderKind app further involves parents in the care of their children. From parents who are still in the hospital, healthcare providers (e.g. lactation consultants) can see data and possibly adjust care accordingly.

Beatrix Children’s Hospital, part of the UMCG, has developed Zorg@BKZ to provide the best care for both children and their parents. With the Zorg@BKZ app, parents of hospitalized children have 24/7 access to up-to-date, reliable information about conditions, treatments, rules and more. If parents cannot be present for a while, the app allows caregivers to easily send photos, videos or messages. This gives them peace of mind that their child is in good hands, wherever they are. The combination of their own photos and memories, messages from the ward, and photos from third parties watching makes the platform a valuable digital diary for parents. When transferred to another ward, the app remains available, including all stored memories and photos for a complete diary.

For Bilihome we created an app that supports parents whose baby with jaundice is treated with phototherapy. What is special is that support through the app is tailored to the parents’ health perception according to the Health Monitor developed by Prof. Dr. Sjaak Bloem. Parents not only receive a lot of information about jaundice and its treatment with the special Jauni rompers, but can also track bilirubin levels, temperature, number of dirty diapers, and perceived stress themselves. Bilihome owns the app and puts a lot of effort into developing the content together with healthcare providers.

A child’s first 1,000 days are crucial for the further course of life. Guidance of (expectant) parents in a vulnerable situation is important and the maternity nurse has an important role in this to provide tailored care, advice and support. Together with Erasmus MC, “Best Start” has therefore been developed. The goal of the program and research is early identification of vulnerable pregnant women, enabling early intervention. In addition to the provision of information via the app, the pregnant are in fact regularly sent questionnaires (including post partem) and specific data can be tracked. The data of the included pregnant women are directly available to the midwives and maternity consultants. They adjust the intervention accordingly.